Τα πέταξαν όλα για χάρη του… instagram! (φωτο)




Οι χρήστες του instagram δε μασάνε και δοκιμάζουν τις καλλιτεχνικές τους ανησυχίες αλλά και τα όρια του δημοφιλούς μέσου, ποζάροντας γυμνοί! Το αποτέλεσμα, τις περισσότερες φορές, είναι καταπληκτικό!

Publicly popular: Despite only setting up her profile in November, Nude Yoga Girl has some 180,000 followers

Positive comments: She receives comments such as 'stunning' and 'inspiring' online from users

Healthy mind and body: Nude Yoga Girl says she used to see fault with her body, but has now found peace

Exercise nut: Aside from Nude Yoga Girl, there are plenty of other nude users including Crystal Bargholz

Yogi nudes: Crystal's picture connect nature with yoga to the tune of inspiring comments such as 'awesome'

Nude portraits: Kim Akrich publishes nude portraits of women because she believes they are beautiful 

Lack of advertising: Kim says that if women wear clothes, they are in danger of looking like advertisements 

Completely natural: However her shots are totally natural and without Photoshop usageSwimwear success: The Naked Tiger publishes nude photos to sell a successful swimwear line

Risque business: The shots are risque but get around Instagram's strict nudity policy